> One thing to keep in mind is that most folks reading
> a high volume, 
> general purpose mailing list on opensolaris.org are
> probably already 
> interested in OpenSolaris. My wild guess is that's
> not the kind of 
> audience the "making Solaris more Linux like" pitch
> is targeted at.

We have one Linux whiner or another whining here just about every five minutes 
how something in Solaris is "missing" (it's not missing, you just don't know 
it's there and didn't bother asking!), and how Solaris is really inferior to 
Linux in XYZ and how it needs to catch up to Linux, and oh why oh why doesn't 
Solaris do ABC like Linux does and Linux is oh-so-wonderful but Solaris has 
this oh-it-could-be-so-great potential except blablabla...

It's always the same story.  And it's getting really, really old.  The original 
poster is a breath of fresh air. At least somebody realized that something's up 
with Solaris, and that Solaris just might have tools and ways that are 
equivalent or better than Linux.

That gives me hope.
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