Paul Gress wrote:
Michal Pryc wrote:

I would like to announce a new project called JPack, which will provide
a GUI application for managing different types of packages for Solaris
Operating System.

for more information:


Please let me know what do you think about it.

This looks great to me.
I also like the idea of plugins for other package systems (such as sunfreeware).
The design will allow quite easily add this functionality, but this is not the most important thing for now.

Some of my ideas for improvement are:

CSW packages. If I want to install, can it scan the web to list available packages. Then this is the big one, for its dependencies can it scan all available libraries and place a link in CSW lib to location of an alternate dependency.

Maybe this can be a good start to alleviate the dependency nightmare.

Maybe there can be a search engine, so I can search for a particular package and it would search all available package repositories, including source and from plugins then give me a choice how and where I would like to install it.

Also what would be a nice feature is if a package is missing a dependency or a package is corrupt an explanation point in a yellow triangle would appear next to the package to indicate it is in need of repair (prodreg does this with corrupt packages).

I noticed at the bottom it says "You are not root, you cannot add/delete packages" Maybe you can add a password manager like in Firefox to automatically add login, or a setup for sudo, or just a plain login to root.

Thank you for the ideas, will try to look on those features and see what is the most important for "normal" users.
I already have todo for the plain login to specific user.
Can you write something more about your idea of "scanning the web to list available packages"? To be honest I did not catch it clearly.

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