I apologize. It wasn't warranted. I have just waded through too many
of these recently, and I only sleep three hours last night.

Everyone have a good weekend, and have a happy mother's day!!


On 5/11/07, Steve Stallion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well it didnt take long for this to escalate to into an all out flame.

Remember Gentlemen, pinkies up!

On 5/11/07, Brian Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/11/07, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Not at all, but Sun execs have a long history of
> > > telling the press long
> > > before they talk to the engineers, and half of what
> > > the press reports
> > > bears no relation to what actually ends up happening
> > > in the long run.
> >
> > And why have they not been reprimanded for doing such things?
> >
> > I told the management in my company to go pound sand when they started 
talking BS. They moved me around, but the difference is, I can easily switch 
companies, while they can only switch departments. And they know it.
> >
> > Why don't you guys push back???
> >
> > Management has absolutely no business sticking their noses where they don't 
> You speak with such lofty ideals. You are asking the Sun employees why
> don't they push back. I'll tell you why. Because their livelihood
> depends on it.
> You on the other hand have no such restrictions. I think it would be
> very noble of you to set an example and stick it the Sun executives,
> in a way that the Sun employees can't.
> Those execs will be so screwed when you leave the OpenSolaris
> community, since you can easily switch communities, while they can
> only switch departments!!
> -Brian
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