> Wakes the Charlie Kaufmann in me. (Artem takes out
> the dusty Underwood, replaces 
> the ribbon...)
>       White background. Two men enter the view:
>       a young, stylish man with a smile on his face,
>       an older man with orange crumbs in his beard.
>       YOUNG MAN
>       Hi, I'm a Mac.
>       And I'm a Solaris.

Oh crappity, Solaris users aren't all "old beards". At least I'm not THAT old! 

In fact, I'm probably no older than a contemporary Linux user. I've just used 
Solaris since I was a kid! It was the first UNIX I ever used, and I grew up 
with it. Did a Linux stint as well, but coming from Solaris and especially 
HP-UX and IRIX, Linux just sucked dead bunnies through a bent straw sideways.

Nothing worked right on Linux. Man pages were inconsistent, sparse and just 
plain simple sucked. SHELL was some tcsh wannabe, but without all the brains -- 
it supported the cursor keys and a poor man's [TAB] completion, but other than 
that, it was pretty brain dead.

Built in iptables firewall software was (and still is) a disater, especially 
considering my background is in CheckPoint FireWall-1 / FireWall NG and 
IPFilter (Rusty Russell really should beg Darren Reed on his knees to get some 
lessons on how to design a piece of firewall software).

The list could go on an on and on. Curiously (or not so curiously), I never had 
these problems or issues on IRIX and HP-UX. There, everything worked as 
expected. Very large parts of the OS and even the man pages were identical. 
Stuff was slick and elegant, not hacked up together just to make it work.
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