There was one bit of news from CommunityOne (i.e. the JavaOne pre-show) that I thought might have interesting consequences for the OpenSolaris community. That was the proposal to pay open source developers for their work. That doesn't seem like a bad idea and I am wondering how such a thing would affect the community here. The thing that is great about most open source communities is that the main motivation for people is their passion for the work and the all the other benefits gained are secondary. I would have to say that this community is no different. From my perspective it seems that even most of the Sun employees are involved here not just because it is their job but it because they are really into the idea of OpenSolaris and if they weren't getting paid by Sun they would be here anyway.

So I do not really think that if all of a sudden Sun started paying for contributions to OpenSolaris it would make a big impact on the quality of the contributions but I do like the idea. But if I was running the show I wouldn't pay people in cash. Why not do something like this for example: if there is a someone that is doing a great job why not send them something like an Ultra 45 to use for awhile. Something like this I would think would not only impress many contributors but also provide them with tools to help with more contributions. It could also be structured in such a way that Sun is "loaning" *wink, wink* the hardware to the contributor to avoid taxes and all of that mess.

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