
This is probably better discussed on zfs-discuss. I am CCing the list. Followup emails could leave out opensolaris-discuss...

Shweta Krishnan wrote:
Does zfs/zpool support the layered driver interface?

I wrote a layered driver with a ramdisk device as the underlying
device, and successfully got a  UFS file system on the ramdisk to
boot via the layered device.

I am trying to do the same with a ZFS file system. However, since ZFS
file systems are created as datasets within a storage pool and not
directly on a specified underlying device, I can't think how I will
get a ZFS file system to mount using a layered driver atop a real

I tried specifying the layered device as the storage pool component
for 'zpool create', but that gave me an "invalid argument for this
pool operation" error. I also tried setting the mountpoint for a zfs
filesystem as 'legacy' and doing a regular mount with the layered
device, but that gave me an "invalid dataset" error.

You would have to create a zpool even for legacy mounts. You cannot skip that step.

Probably the answer to your problem lies in the "invalid argument for this pool operation" error message. Did you try trussing the zpool create? What was the syscall that failed. If you are familiar with dtrace, you might be able to narrow it down to what is causing the failure.


I looked through the documentation for zfs/zpool and searched
extensively, but haven't been able to figure this one out yet. I am a
newbie to ZFS, so pardon me if this is something trivial.

Can someone point me to possible method to achieve the above?

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