--- UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > i'd fire any of my sysadmins if i ever catch them
> > using fedora in any
> > production server. you dont use unsupported
> software
> > there. do not
> > ever underestimate the value of blaming someone
> else
> > when things
> > break. And people have used solaris for many years
> > without the
> > sources.
> My feelings exactly, add me to the list!

No worries. I am sure open positions in your
respective companies are few.

> What the heck, why would anyone explicitly go to the
> trouble of using Fedora in production, unless they
> were some sort of a hacker?

Why not? RHEL3 did not use 2.6. RHEL4 is stuck with
2.6.9 + certain backports. If you need some of the
latest features, you use Fedora. Given that a release
comes with at least one year of updates, I do not see
a problem especially if you have a system that
automatically builds the staging box(es) and tests for
problems, changes in expected behaviour and breakages.

> What reason could one possibly have to NOT use
> Solaris, since the playing ground is now level or
> even in Solaris's favor (gratis, opensource, System
> V, forward-compatible, ...)?

yawn. too much work to keep updated. With Fedora,
beyond the initial staging of a new release, testing
and deploying updates are trivial.

> Goes back to someone writing in another post that
> Linux is the best choice. How can it be the best
> choice when Solaris has and can everything Linux
> can, and then some, and the price is the same
> (gratis), and commercial support for Solaris is
> cheaper?

Solaris != OpenSolaris. Solaris 10 is not there yet.
Nor does they exist a commercially supported
OpenSolaris distribution with some of the things some
would like to see irrespective of people in banks

> It's irrational to insist on using Linux, especially
> Fedora in production environments.

I wonder what Linux distribution certain banks in Hong
Kong use. Debian!?

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