On Mon, 21 May 2007, Patrick Finch wrote:

If I understand correctly, you are saying that a Solaris user can become a Linux user with ease, but not vice versa. Do you consider this to be a strength or a weakness of Linux?

Neither. It's a strength of Solaris, in that Solaris breeds a mindset that is portable to HPUX, *BSD, Linux and many other platforms. You learn to work with a set of tools that are present on everything, as opposed to being dependant on particular features of a particular toolchain.

A new Linux user would probably learn to use the more modern "ip" tool to manage interfaces, whereas as a Solaris admin would use ifconfig which will work on all of the above.

Andre van Eyssen.
                  "the only value you can add to a banana is a bruise"
                                                           -- McNealy.
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