> Nice. All this for a guy who apparently does not even
> know how to admin a unix system (developer?).

It's not unheard of for developers to self-admin their own workstations and 
non-production development servers.  As long as they're only shooting themselves
in the foot, sometimes someperson up the management chain decides
it's not worth arguing over.  As a developer, that's something I might well 
although there is the point that in general, applications shouldn't need to run 
root, nor should they need anything more than a pkgadd as root (which could
be done via rbac or sudo calling scripts that limited delegated installation
to just authorized application packages)

However, unless one's in a shop where 90%+ of those who might admin a system
have mostly Linux experience, I think the notion holds that with more than one 
having anything pertaining to root or any other system accounts using whenever
possible the least common denominator of features, or strictly out-of-the-box
features (whichever best covers the mix of OSs being administered), would 
human error, not to mention making it less comfortable to stay root any longer 

> I can see application developers flying over in
> droves.

While some ease-of-use features may increase the number, I doubt it would
turn into a mad rush, since short of Nexenta plus OSS plus one or two other
drivers redone to have Linux-like APIs, there would be _some_ nonzero
effort required on the part of the developers, and also some nonzero portion
of the developers of Linux-based applications are ideologues that wouldn't
dream of using anything else.

I think a combination of some ease-of-use features (but not to the point of
messing it up for the rest of us), some porting and migration guides and
assistance (to include access to build servers running both x86 and SPARC,
both latest fully supported (i.e. Solaris 10) and something newer and 
the ease-of-use stuff, and publicity for all that stuff together and anything 
that might help, and just plain patience, would be required; that would 
bring any of the non-ideologues around that had any reason to bother.  The rest,
someone who wants the app on Solaris would have to port it, and when 
distributing the
package, add a note to the effect that if you like this, please ask the 
upstream to accept
patches for building on Solaris.  Knowing that there was actually some demand, 
as well
as that the initial work was already done and a build environment was 
available, might
appeal to their vanity and reduce their excuses, even if they might not 
otherwise bother.
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