W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
However, the Chinese
version of Solaris Express looks ugly.

Some qualifications are necessary:

1.  At least in Fedora and SuSE, the two Linux distros that I use the most, I 
have to do certain tweakings to get the Chinese display fonts I like.  The 
default Chinese fonts in the Chinese locale of SX appear to be close to (or 
even better than) the ones I use.  There is no question that the g11n team, or 
whoever responsible for the task, have done a very careful job.  I apologize 
for failing to mention this.

2.  The problem is that, for some reason and at least in Firefox and Thunderbird, 
the English (western) fonts (at least in the dialog window) are changed to 
monospace fonts when running in the Chinese locale (& I don't seem to be able 
to change that).  For those of us who are so used to the eloquent look and feel of 
the English version of Solaris X, this was a shocking experience.

During my recent trip to China and Taiwan, I sensed a definitive increase in 
willingness in governmental officials to move away from Windows.  Most of them seem 
to have only Linux in mind, but the timing of the recent drive to make Solaris more 
Linux-like, & the opening of the China OpenSolairs Portal, couldn't have come 
at a better time.  Fingers crossed.

Don't forget three active user groups, an exploding university program via Joey/Teresa and Co, and a Sun engineering center in Beijing. The portal and the programming contest are just the latest editions to the China OpenSolaris community portfolio. I think we have just as much of a shot at community building in China as anyone, actually. On my trips there, I've heard consistently that the Linux penetration is not nearly as great as some have been led to believe and that it's basically a Windows world there. And every time I go I see significant interest in OpenSolaris. Generally, there is huge opportunity for open source in China. I'm looking forward to making China a key component in the Advocacy Community.

Jim Grisanzio, Sr. Program Manager, OpenSolaris Engineering
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