< > Fluent in JAVA?
< Not any more. I was formally educated in it though.
Java and Swing, 
threaded programming.
< That was years ago though, and not an experience I
care to repeat.
< > And the other thing from last week, do you really
< > believe a Ph.D. (in CS or Maths) istn't worth the
< > paper it is written on???

Hehe.... having a Ph.D is CS/Math does mean you had
the formal research education (i.e. I hope) no matter
how you look at it - as long as it came from a
reputable school. ;o)

Java has its place like COBOL, Ada, or Tcl/Tk. Why
'bash' it??

As for the 768MB RAM thing with SXDE, let there be a
manual override to install it on <=256MB RAM machines
(i.e. Sun Blade 100 compatible) as well. I'd think
that is reasonable for many post-Y2000 home computers.

Just provide a stripped down configuration profile for
people who just want to provide a 'service' or use the
CLI for programming/sys admin tasks.

Ken Mays
EarthLink, Inc.

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