On Fri, 1 Jun 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:
*Building a reference isn't the main goal*. What is the main goal? Making
OpenSolaris more accessible to people like this: ...

Understood, and that's precisely why I keep saying Indiana needs a reset
based on case 2007/047. Indiana's goals (e.g. Making OpenSolaris more
accessible to people like this), are *identical* to the goals of case
2007/047 (And of course that case, as with any ARC case, can certainly be
employed by any distro, not just Nevada.)


Disclaimer: It could be said that I suffer from irrational exuberance when
it comes to case 2007/047. Having been a Solaris/Linux Compatibility
evangelist in both unofficial and official roles at Sun for some 7 years
now, the thrill that I experienced seeing 2007/047 happen might make it
hard to be unbiased in this regard.

 As an outsider to the Solaris community that's been interested in
 trying it out, let me say that it's about damn time this happens.
 If you go to the OpenSolaris web site, all bright eyed and eager to
 download a new operating system, you will walk away in bitter
 disappointment. Sure, it says the word "open" in two dozen languages
 on the web page, but when you go hunting for an installer disk to
 download, suddenly you are cast into a maze. Nevada builds? What the
 hell is Nevada? Oh, it's what they're calling the OpenSolaris code
 base. You'll need to download these components and build them. Well,
 how do I install it? Oh, you can't do that, you need to have a
 Solaris machine up already to build on. But you can get started
 if you go to Sun's site and download their Solaris Express
 Enterprise Pro Champion Edition (after dutifully registering),
 and then enjoy that pleasant install experience. And when that's
 done, you still have the work ahead of you of getting ON (what
 the hell is that? Oh, OS and Network. Sorry, I don't work at Sun)
 built and updated. Did I miss anything? We haven't gotten to
 packages to make the system usable yet. I just want an ISO
 that says OpenSolaris and installs THE OpenSolaris system. In a usable
 state. Then I'll be able to test my apps against it and claim they
 work. "Well, it runs on Belenix" doesn't quite feel the same, does it?


Ian Murdock

"Don't look back--something might be gaining on you." --Satchel Paige
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