On 04/06/07, Ivan Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 6562225 NVIDIA performance on AGP systems can be
> > terrible on b65
> >
> > (Since the nvidia drivers are closed source, the
> bug
> > is not
> > visible on bugs.opensolaris.org - you can tell if
> >  it affects you
> > by checking dmesg/syslog for a nvidia driver error
> >  such as:
> > vidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
> > nv_devmap: invalid mmap():
> > 0x00100000 @ 0x00000000f0000000
> > )
> >
> > --
> > -Alan Coopersmith-
> > -           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System
> > em Engineering
> >
> 1.  I did see this error message, but did not notice
> any problem (the installed machine has an nVidia FX
> card).  I have visited a couple of heavy graphic
> sites and played with MPlayer. Pretty normal.
> 2.  SX now does not configure NIC cards during
> installation, but it includes a graphic tool
> (Administration -> Network)  which makes this task
> greatly simplified.  (I like this approach.)  I
> checked both boxes: (1) enable this connection and
> (2) activate on boot.  However, I was unable to
> activate it with this graphic tool, and I had to
> reboot the machine to activate the NIC card.  What
> did I do wrong?
> 3.  For desktop users, try Moinak's suggestions if
> you think the performance can be improved:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=3
> 1983&tstart=0
> His suggestion involves the following three
> actions/commands:
>     svcadm disable basicreg
> pkgrm SUNWupdatemgru
>     pkgrm SUNWbrg
>   To install Flash Player 9, following this thread:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=2
> 6441&tstart=250
> Move to the end of that thread and copy the two
> downloaded and unpacked files as mentioned therein to
> the appropriate holder.
> 5.  Multimedia:
> Just enter the following command (as root) to install
> the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" multimedia packages put together by
> Alvaro Lopez Ortega:
> /usr/sfw/bin/wget -O -
> http://opensolaris.es/codec-pack.sh | bash
> as per:
> http://blogs.sun.com/alvaro/entry/opensolaris_codec_pa
> ck_updated

Actually all the actions other than mplayer codec pack should be integrated in 
SX, I mean since there is the technology and there isn't legal issue, asking 
extra labor is not adopter friendly whatsoever.


Since when aren't there legal issues? I'm fairly certain Sun doesn't
have a license for everyone of those codecs. Nevermind that even with
a license, many patent holders prohibit the usage of "open source"

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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