On 07/02/07 20:28, Thomas wrote:
> Im trying to install a few packages w/pkg-get but ive recived this error
> stdout: No space on Device
> when i run df -h this is what I get:
> Filesystem------------size----used----avail----capacity----Mounted on
> /dev/dsk/c1d0s0----4.6G---4.5G-----48M----99%---------- /

so the root filesystem is 99% full.

> /dev/dsk/c1d0s7-----50G---51M-------49G     1%---------- /export/home
> You can see ive got some 50G of space I can use... I just dont know what 
> folders to expand, how to do it, or with which commands...

Yes, but the space is in /export/home, and the packages are likely to be
added to the root filesystem or at least require a bit of space
in there for manipulation.

Easier option:

You do not have a separate /opt filesystem, and I suspect much of
your pkg-get stuff will be adding stuff under /opt.  So move /opt
to where you have space, and symlink across.  You could
consider the same for /usr/local if du -hs /usr/local shows
much usage under there.  Here are the steps for /opt (you
may want to do this for only /opt/csw or similar):

# cd /
# find opt | cpio -pdum /export/home
# echo "Do not proceed if the last step had errors"
# rm -rf /opt
# ln -s /export/home/opt

Longer term option:

Grow the root filesystem.  Your disk slicing appears to be

s0:     /               4.6G
s1:     swap?           ??G
s2-s6   unused
s7      /export/home    50G     1% used

So I'd suggest temporarily migrating the existing /export/home
material to some other disk and then expanding the root filesystem
at the expense of the old /export/home, taking into account
the possibility of a swap slice in-between.  I'd do away with
the swap slice and use a swap file, instead.

Actually that could be the easiest approach, of you have a swap slice
at s1 of a gig or more.  Use swap -d to remove it from service,
and remove the /dev/c1d0s0s1 line from vfstab.  Now grow s0
to expand into s1, and growfs the root filesystem.  It is
probably safest to boot off DVD for this, but I think format -e
(expert) will allow you to change the labelling of a disk
with mounted slices, and growfs will then grow the filesystem
to the size of the newly-expanded device.  Finally add a swap
file to the system to replace the swap slice.

Hope that helps


P.S. zfs root will do away with this nonsense since your storage is
pooled and you won't have free space in the wrong place.

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