Orvar Korvar wrote:
> Moinak, could you please give an example on how to use ntfscp? I tried 
> several variants, but didnt succeed.
> I tried ntfscp with NTFS mounted, but didnt work. I also tried it without 
> mounting it, didnt work. For instance, I tried this one (among others):
> bash-3.00$ ntfscp /dev/dsk/c1d1p1 treeinfo.wc ~sean/
> Error opening partition device : Permission denied
> Failed to startup volume : Permission denied
> Couldn't mount device '/dev/dsk/c1d1p1' : Permission denied
> ERROR: couldn't mount volume : Permission denied

   It says permission denied. So you will have to try it as root. Run
   ntfsls first to check that the device is being read properly and you
   are able to see all the files.


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