> Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> > Jim Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >> I know that Debian GNU/Linux has Synaptic for package management. Is
>> there a similar package manager for Solaris?
>> >
>> > Try "man pkg_add"
>> that should be pkgadd one word no underscore.
> Sorry for the typo, I was thinking about the layered script "pkg-get" from
Blastwave that used pkgadd and auto-handles dependencies in addition.

Which can be installed thus :

    # pkgadd -d http://www.blastwave.org/pkg_get.pkg

See the HOWTO page at :


A simple catalog of md5 sigs and a bit of changes to pkgadd would probably
allow pkgadd to do what pkg-get does.  A smart psql based client at the end
users machine would even speed up dependency resolution.

Its all so easy to fix and enhance these things such that any given
OpenSolaris based distro ( like Nevada or BeleniX ) could easily install
software from either SUNW or Blastwave or where-ever.

Really .. we could put together a catalog of SUNW packages as well as up to
date browsers and such in six months or less.

Speaking of up to date browsers I am surprised that Solaris Nevada ( snv_68
) has firefox only and nothing else.  I would think that SeaMonkey would be
a nice option to include since it is the full blown browser package with
chatzilla and mail etc etc.  Nope .. its not there.

snv_68 includes FireFox :

Although you can get the latest from Blastwave:

You can get the full blown seamonkey from Blastwave also:

The homepage for BeleniX points to Blastwave for software at the
top of its list.  That's nice :

In fact ... now that I think about it .. where does one look to get open
source software for Solaris?  I guess if I am a Solaris user I just go to
www.sun.com and go clicking around until I land here :


Nope .. no mention of the 1693 software packages over at Blastwave at all.
Gee.  I wonder why?  That must be the "Not Invented Here" monster raising
its ugly head again.  Either that or the software at Blastwave is seen as
beta and not really ready to be used for production or day to day usage.
Then again, the freeware provided by Sun is UNSUPPORTED in capital letters
no less.

Maybe blastwave is keeping things out of date or not pushing it out fast 
enough or cheaply enough over here.  That must be the issue.

Let's have a look at Gimp ... just for a lark.

In snv_68 we get pre-production or beta release gimp :

GIMP 2.3.16 in snv_68 :

I know that I had tested and rejected GIMP 2.3.18 at Blastwave last month?

That would be because its beta and not quite ready for release and its  fine
for snv_68 because that is beta also.   The only version you can get from
Blastwave is good ol'  2.2.12 :


I really have to wonder what the outside observer must think of all  this
fragmentation.  There is Sun doing "it's thing" and then there is the
OpenSolaris project doing its thing and then BeleniX and the Blastwave
project doing their thing and then Nexenta is in a whole other Debian-like

At the very least you would think we could coordinate some sort of software
catalog service which is something *every* Linux distro has.

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