Any suggestion?
Now we have two CPU at 100% SYS time and other two at 70% SYS time ..

 lockstat -kIW -D 20 sleep 30

Profiling interrupt: 11652 events in 30.036 seconds (388 events/sec)

Count indv cuml rcnt     nsec Hottest CPU+PIL        Caller                  
 2604  22%  22% 0.00     4067 cpu[0]                 avl_walk                
 2470  21%  44% 0.00     1621 cpu[0]                 mutex_vector_enter      
 1523  13%  57% 0.00     3993 cpu[2]                 (usermode)              
 1129  10%  66% 0.00     1592 cpu[2]                 mach_cpu_idle           
  628   5%  72% 0.00     2361 cpu[3]+11              splr                    
  603   5%  77% 0.00     2085 cpu[3]                 do_splx                 
  328   3%  80% 0.00     4663 cpu[1]                 metaslab_ff_alloc       
  323   3%  82% 0.00     1956 cpu[3]                 disp_getwork            
  269   2%  85% 0.00     1961 cpu[1]                 tsc_gethrtimeunscaled   
  104   1%  86% 0.00     3807 cpu[2]                 mutex_enter             
  101   1%  87% 0.00     1739 cpu[3]                 disp                    
   92   1%  87% 0.00     3391 cpu[3]                 new_cpu_mstate          
   82   1%  88% 0.00     2048 cpu[3]+11              swtch                   
   78   1%  89% 0.00     4160 cpu[3]                 lzjb_compress           
   51   0%  89% 0.00     2012 cpu[1]                 lzjb_decompress         
   50   0%  90% 0.00     1879 cpu[3]+11              lock_set_spl            
   48   0%  90% 0.00     4776 cpu[3]                 fsflush_do_pages        
   38   0%  90% 0.00     2061 cpu[3]                 idle_enter              
   30   0%  91% 0.00     1719 cpu[3]+11              disp_lock_exit          
   24   0%  91% 0.00     3937 cpu[2]                 bcopy                   

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