This month's FROSUG (Front Range OpenSolaris User Group) meeting is on
Thursday, July 26, 2007.  Nick Solter will give a presentation on Open High
Availability Cluster, which was recently released on
In addition, we will be giving an OpenSolaris Update.

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About the presentation:
Solaris Cluster, Sun's high-availability cluster software, is going open-source!
This presentation will first give an overview of High Availability software and
Solaris Cluster, and demonstrate how Open HA Cluster can be used with
OpenSolaris and the Apache webserver to provide higher availability for web
services. The talk will next describe the Solaris Cluster open-source roadmap,
give an overview of the source code, and walk through the steps to download,
compile, install, and play with Open HA Cluster. The talk will conclude with a
description of the contribution process and some sample projects for community
participation. The High-Availability Cluster community webpage is at:

The presentation will be posted on prior to the meeting.

About our presenter:
Nicholas Solter is the technical lead of the Solaris Cluster open-sourcing
effort and the facilitator of the HA Clusters community on OpenSolaris. His
Solaris Cluster development work over the past 6 1/2 years at Sun Microsystems
has included designing and implementing support for Solaris features such as SMF
and zones. He holds BS and MS degrees in computer science from Stanford
University, and is the author of “Professional C++” (Wrox, 2005).


Meeting Details:

When:  Thursday, July 26, 2007

6:00pm - 6:30pm Doors open and Pizza
6:30pm - 6:45pm OpenSolaris Update
6:45pm - 8:30pm Open HA Cluster

Sun Broomfield Campus
Building 1 - Conference Center
500 Eldorado Blvd.
Broomfield, CO 80021

Dialin: 866-545-5220
Access Code: 9303067

The meeting is free and open to the public.

Pizza and soft drinks will be served at the beginning of the meeting.
Please RSVP to rsvp(AT) in order to help us plan for food
and setup access to the Sun campus.

We hope to see you there!


Future Meeting Plans:

August 30, 2007: Sarah Jelinek presents Dwarf Caiman (OpenSolaris Install).

If you have ideas for topics or have a topic you would like to present,
send them to: ug-frosug(AT)opensolaris(DOT)org
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