> hi,
> yes, 486 with 64mb is not  a personal computer for
> Solaris. :) 486
> _was_ a personal computer 15 years ago.

Hi xlucas,

In my opinion your attitude regarding OpSol is wrong. 

Let me explain: Do you know these "machines" http://www.soekris.com ?
The hackers and tinkerers I know love Soekris hardware which is built around 
486 processors and similar "weak" chips. They love it to install various 
Unix-like operating systems on them. Until today this means Linux and BSD - for 
the latter in most cases OpenBSD -. And you should see what they are doing with 
these "machines": Fully staffed servers for home LANs for example. 

With your attitude OpenSolaris will never become able to run on these because 
if anyone here sees 486 as some antic hardware of old Agyptian times then no 
one will tell the hackers and tinkerers out there to play with OpSol on Soekris 
like hardware.
But hackers are where the most things in the Free Software scene begin. Where 
the most developments have their start.

So we have to say that it should be possible to run OpSol on 486. We have to 
tell the hackers out there that they should have a look to run OpSol on Soekris.

This is why I think that your thinking is wrong.
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