> The purpose of this message is to announce the
> availability of the
> NetBeans plug-in module for DTrace.
> The NetBeans DTrace plug-in module is a Graphical
> User Interface (GUI)
> for running DTrace scripts.
> The DTrace plug-in module works with both Sun Studio
> 12 IDE and NetBeans
> IDE 5.5.1.

Aside from integrating into the Studio 12 IDE (I guess that's quite cool,
for those who like IDEs rather than plain old vi+make) and being usable
with the rest of NetBeans, how does this compare in terms of what one
can do with Chime?  Is there, or could there reasonably eventually be,
some way to do one in terms of the other, so that they shared as much
code as possible?

I guess I'd like to see both a standalone(-seeming) _and a NetBeans component
DTrace GUI, with as much as possible of the functionality either presently
has now, along with the combined effort going into both for future

Hopefully, the functionality of Apple's XRay tool is also being looked at
for ideas...
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