On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 22:20 -0700, Hugh McIntyre wrote:

> http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/07-24-2007/0004631109&EDATE=
> In answer to the questions about backup power, obviously they have UPS 
> and generators (as the press release says...).  

There is more detail available here:


Looks like they had  8 primary and 2 secondary generators - N+2

They lost 5 -- 4 failed to start, and another was overloaded into
failure due to the first 4 failures.

At first, three primary and one secondary generator failed to come up.

It appears there was sufficient capacity in the remaining secondary
generator to handle the load of two of the primaries, but not three, so
the running secondary generator *also* fell over.

As a result, three of their eight rooms lost power for about 45 minutes;
a fourth room lost power for half a second due to some sort of PDU

                                        - Bill

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