Alan DuBoff wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Bart Smaalders wrote:
>> The likely outcome is that the change is file based, with file
>> equivalence determined by a file-type specific comparison/hash.
>> This allows us to handle cases where the file is alway different,
>> but semantically the same.  Jar archives are a typical example here.
> You know, I was thinking about this after I sent the message, and 
> *think* that snapshots would use the checksums under the covers, so it 
> might be possible to incorporate snapshots to do a very similar thing as 
> at the block level.
> I was curious as I was talking last week with Olaf Manczak, and he had 
> been tossing around the idea of using the checksums to accomplish a 
> similar thing.
> So, in the above scenario with Jar files, are you saying that they have 
> more than one file with the same name that would get installed depending 
> on the system? If so, is that done for optimization?
> -- 
> Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group

two jars that have the same content may have been created at
different times; from a functionality standpoint they are the same
but they have an internal timestamp that is different.


Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
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