On 8/3/07, Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Gardiner wrote:
> > x86 being around for over 2 years and still no movement by Sun to improve
> > the user experience in either hardware support or software availability.
> You think nvidia video drivers, wifi drivers, Macromedia Flash, and all
> the other drivers & software appeared on their own for x86 with no effort
> by Sun?  If so, you're very mistaken.

I have used S10 as well as SXDE the there is huge difference in user experience.
That is a point aside.

This list is just not the right place to tell sun what should and
shouldn't be doing with their product strategy.

To start with, people working on the usability/device-driver support,
etc need to use the 80-20 principle => work on the 20% of parts that
give 80% of the benefits instead of trying to satisfy 100% of the
users and exhausting all resources.

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