Kaiwai Gardiner writes:
> On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 23:57 -0700, UNIX admin wrote:
> > > But ultimately what is developed in OpenSolaris will
> > > end up in a payable
> > > product.
> > 
> > Not necessarily. Features deemed fit for OpenSolaris might never make
> > it into Solaris. There is already code out there that is running on
> > OpenSolaris that didn't make it into Solaris, and might never make it.
> > It's not a 1:1 process.
> Thats pretty stupid given how badly Solaris needs attention in all
> areas. Given the current state of Solaris 10 - can anyone blame those
> who still think that Solaris x86 is being treated as the red head step
> child of the family?

No, it's not "stupid."

It's the difference between a source base and a distribution.
Distributors get to choose what they want to include in their
distribution from the given source base.  It must be like that --
otherwise, all of the distributions would be identical, and that'd be
a bit silly.

That said, it's likely that many (and perhaps "most") of the things in
OpenSolaris will eventually be in some Sun Solaris release.  Which
things those are, and which release will have them, aren't really
appropriate things to discuss here.  They're business decisions.

Instead, as those are commercial distributions you're talking about,
you need to contact the distributor -- sun.com in this case, not

In short, OpenSolaris != Sun.

As for x86, I really have no idea what you're talking about.  Not only
does Sun sell and support these sorts of systems, but most of us
(myself included) do our primary development on x86.  I realize that's
a bit of a "works for me" sort of argument, but I don't see that the
linkage in your argument is as clear as you seem to think it is.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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