vijay wrote:
> 1. how to mount windows ntfs and fat32 drives in solaris11?

You can't currently mount NTFS from Solaris without extra software.
I have no experience with the NTFS bits available, but you should
be able to search the archives.

I do this to mount FAT32:

banff[154]% rmformat -l
Looking for devices...
      1. Logical Node: /dev/rdsk/c7t0d0s2
         Physical Node: /[EMAIL PROTECTED],600000/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL 
         Connected Device: TOSHIBA  MK4004GAH        JD00
         Device Type: Removable
         Bus: USB
         Size: 38.1 GB
         Label: <None>
         Access permissions: Medium is not write protected.

Take the device string, point to "dsk" instead of "rdsk" to get
the block device, and append a ":c" to get the right partition:

banff[155]% sudo mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c7t0d0s2:c /mnt
banff[478]% df /mnt
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c7t0d0s2:c  38779424 33371264 5408160    87%    /mnt

> 2. how to configure or start broadband connection in solaris11? 

Plug an Ethernet cable into the machine, and look in /var/adm/messages
for the "link up" notice:

banff[157]% grep "link up" /var/adm/messages
Sep 14 08:53:49 banff bge: [ID 801725] NOTICE: bge0: link up 
1000Mbps Full-Duplex (initialized)

Now you know your Ethernet device type, and can use DHCP or manual
network configuration:

# ifconfig bge0 plumb
# ifconfig bge0 dhcp
# ifconfig -a


# ifconfig bge0 plumb
# ifconfig bge0 up netmask
# route add default
# ifconfig -a

> 3. how to mount USB drives in solaris11?

They're FAT32 out of the box, so see above.

Rob T
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