> On 24/09/2007, Boris Derzhavets
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've untared Tightvnc 1.3.9 Unix source on Solaris
> domU.
> > I am getting known message when running make World
> :-
> > "language optional software package not installed"
> > Distribution CD obviously doesn't contain SUNWspro.
> >
> Right, you need to set cc to /usr/sfw/bin/gcc 

PLease,advise what kind of symlink I should create (like):-
  # ln -s /usr/sfw/bin/gcc  /usr/local/bin/cc
What is the expected "cc" compiler location ?
I've tried several options with no luck,getting message "cc not found"
Thank you

>or you need to install
> Sun Studio which you should be able to get from Sun's
> website.

Is SUN C,C++ compiler freeware product  ?
Sun mentioned 30 days trial period on download page.

> -- 
> Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
> http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
> "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved
> it correct, not
> tried it. " --Donald Knuth
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