> Richard Hamilton Wrote:
>I don't know if it's an integrated client (although any GUI mail client
>ought to play reasonably nicely with other GUI clients, IMO, esp. in terms
>of adding or accessing attachments), it's also all the other stuff that MS
>does over their proprietary MAPI protocol: calendars, to-do lists, some
>sort of shared folders, etc. There are certainly a bunch of alternative
>ways to do those things, although to waht degree their servers would support
>them, I don't know off the top of my head. Typically, you don't get full 
>out of them unless you do things their way, which IMO subverts open standards. 

  I'm  not concerned about "their"  servers.  Its perfeclty  possible  today to 
a server environment on the Sun Java Enterprise Communications Suite , for 
mail, calender and IM.   
 What unix/linux  does not have right now is an integrated Office environment 
  includes  the  PIM   stuff.  A PIM  module  added to Openoffice  would fix 
  Evolution and Thunderbird  works  but is not integrated with OOo.
I have heard several of my contacts in the IT bussiness moan about this lack 
in OOo  being  a problem for them. 
 To solve the integration problem for the users has the effect that the 
 on "their"  servers  can be undone and bussiness can use "our"  servers to 
 ship mail.
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