> Hi,
> I installed the fall SXDE lately, curious about the
> new and much improved installer.
> I learned that it does look nicer, but actually gives
> me much less control.  There is no knob
> to tweak for the filesystem layout, all you can do is
> specify the partition size!!

It's being worked on.

> There goes
> my long standing desire to have /, /usr, /var, /opt.

These aren't the '90s of the last century you know.

All one needs these days is / and swap, and maybe 64MB for the metadb, if one's 
going to use SVM.

Whole disk root worked real slick for IRIX and HP-UX these past 15 years, and 
by golly it sure works for (Open)Solaris!

Besides, the concept of separate slices and separate filesystems is really 
obsolete with how ZFS handles filesystems and space allocation.
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