On 26/10/2007, Alexander Muthmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I upgraded 2 days ago from 72 to 75. In build 72 there was the bug, that a 
> SATA DVD-Drive wasn't detected by Opensolaris, so after the upgrdae from 70 
> to 72 I lost my to drives.
> In the bugbase it's said, that this bug is fixed in release 75, but I think, 
> it still remains. Each time, I try to install from dvd, I get a "cannot find 
> install software".
> My board is a GA-M57SLI based on a Nvidia 570SLI Chipset.
> Would be great, if somebody could help me!

Two things I've found that can cause that:

1) Make sure you do a cold-boot (meaning completely power off and then
power on and boot from the media)

2) I assume you are installing from DVD when you select the "Solaris
Express Developer Edition" boot option

3) The "Solaris Express Developer Edition" option is broken at the
moment for snv75 due to a gnome change, use the "Solaris Express" boot
option instead

4) Ensure that the DVD drive is set as the first boot device in your bios

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/

"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it. " --Donald Knuth
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