
I think the question of "getting access to" OpenSolaris could be addressed by allowing (anyone interested in doing so) to make that decision by looking at a matrix with requirements (horizontally), and how various distro's satisfy those requirements (vertically).

Assuming each of the distros were using Nevada as the kernel (which is available through the OpenSolaris project, and which they do), then all distro's deserve to be referenced as OpenSolaris-based, even if such distro's come from Sun. Similar, in some ways, to the "Intel-inside" marketing of the mid-90's. Its based on OpenSolaris (as an adjective), but it could only be THE (noun) OpenSolaris distribution if it would clearly define the delta's/features that it has compared with: 1) other distro's and 2) how it fits into and benefits the overall OpenSolaris (adjective) project.
Perhaps overly simplified, but I often feel we need to keep things simple.

My $0.02.


Shawn Walker wrote:
On 31/10/2007, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John Plocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe we don't have to reconcile them, because they are /different/
things.  Which of the following are OpenSolaris?  Duh, they all are.
They simply have different audiences:

     The OpenSolaris Operating System:
      At the minimalist end, we have a "miniroot" consisting

Today we have SX, SXDE, Schillix, Belinix, MartUX and Nexenta
as examples of various targeted distros.  If I have a binary
program (say, oracle or my company's accounting package...),
and I want to pick a distro,
      Should I /expect/ my application to just work on it?
      /Will/ it just work?
      Does the distro owner have any expectations in this regard?
    and most importantly,
      How would I tell?
More than 2 years ago, we did agreee that noone except Sun has the
right to call a distro "OpenSolaris" and that Sun shoul/would not do this.

I have no problem if Sun would start to publish something called:
"Sun OpenSolaris ...."

I have problems if this was not labelled with "Sun" as this would cause
harm to other existing OpenSolaris based distributions.

I have yet to see any qualifying statements that indicate exactly
*how* other distributions would be harmed.

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