On 31/10/2007, James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Grisanzio writes:
> > Joerg Schilling wrote:
> >
> > > I have no problem if Sun would start to publish something called:
> > > "Sun OpenSolaris ...."
> >
> > Why would "Sun OpenSolaris" make sense? Actually, that expression has
> > been used (incorrectly) in the media, and it's only added to the
> > confusion. Also, isn't it a benefit for the distros to share in the use
> > of the brand?
> I think it makes a lot of sense, by analogy to Linux.  You can't
> "install Linux" -- without getting an immediate "which one?" question.
> You can only install a distribution of it, of which there are many.
> People do talk about running "RedHat Linux" or getting "Ubuntu Linux."
> The "Linux" part is the generic term, and the distribution name makes
> it specific.
> "Sun OpenSolaris" and "Nexenta OpenSolaris" do make sense to me, at
> least in that light.  They're shorthand expressions for "Sun's Solaris
> distribution based on OpenSolaris" and "the Nexenta distribution based
> on OpenSolaris."

Except Sun doesn't have a distribution that is really based on the
work of OpenSolaris.org right now.

The implication here is that Project Indiana is Sun's distribution;
which is not true.

Project Indiana is a distribution birthed by members of the
OpenSolaris community, discussed and developed here within reason, and
a product of the efforts of the members of this community as a project
(*in the strict sense*) officially recognized by this community.

Therefore it would not be proper to call the OpenSolaris Developer
Preview "Sun's OpenSolaris Developer Preview" because the distribution
is the result of OpenSolaris.org and not Sun.

> I think the real issue here is that many are seeing Indiana as _Sun's_
> vision, and not the or even "a" community vision.  In that light, it
> becomes Sun's distribution and nobody else's.  That's why the naming
> is such an important thing.

The converse is true; some community members here see it as a
OpenSolaris.org project; not a Sun one.

I don't think Sun has any interest in commercially marketing a product
under anything but the name "Solaris." So let's leave the subjective
views aside and focus on what best represents our community.

> Frankly, I don't really know which viewpoint is correct.  But I do
> think we're going to have to acknowledge and address those differing
> views if we're going to make any progress.

Indeed. Let's stir the pot some more...

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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