John Sonnenschein wrote:
> Since Murdock and the rest of Sun's marketing department decided to  
> stab the community in the back by defining by executive fiat what  
> exactly "OpenSolaris" meant, perhaps it's time to rename what the old  
> bits used to be.
> Anyone on OGB or other committees, what's the likelihood we can  
> reclaim ON et al. with a new name to allow people like Nexenta to  
> continue to be part of the community.
> Sun can call their distro OpenSolaris if they like, but perhaps the  
> solution to keep them happy and not anger and split the community is  
> to ignore "OpenSolaris" as being the Sun Microsystems product it is,  
> and call $foo the community and the code

You'll have to come up with a completely new name (not just NetSolaris
or FreeSolaris) unless you can convince Sun management to allow use of
a derivative of the Solaris trademark.

Once you have that name, doing a trademark search to make sure it's not
infringing someone else's trademark is (if I recall correctly) a 4-6
digit number of US dollars, depending on how many jurisdictions you want
to search in.    If you find a conflict with another trademark, then it's,
stop/rinse/repeat, costing another iteration of the search fees, until
you get a good one.

So is it possible?   I don't know why not.   Is it going to be cheap or
easy?  Probably not.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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