i'm confused.
you claim that your application was compiled and linked under
s8 with forte, but the stack below is for a java process.

if you're really trying to look at a java process, then
last i check the jvm is writte in c++ so you need to pipe
the output of pstack through something like c++filt so you
get de-mangled symbol names.  course even that output may
not be too usefull either since you could be just be looking
at a jvm stack trace that doesn't include any frames from your
java application.


On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 05:23:13PM -0800, zhangmeng wrote:
> My executable is compiled and linked under solaris 8 using forte 6 update2.
> Now I run it under solaris 10.But when I use pstack analyse the core file.
> the symbol of my function out like below
> [i] -bash-3.00# pstack core.2580  | more
>  core 'core.2580' of 2580:       java_vm
>  -----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
>   fef40a27 read     (b, 804280c, 1)
>   feb11ba8 __1cDhpiEread6FipvI_I_ (b, 804280c, 1) + a8
>   feb11aef _jcRead (b, 804280c, 1) + 2f
>   fe77045e [b]????????[/b] (80685b8, 8042864, 22)
>   ...
>   feb1d55c jni_CallStaticVoidMethod (80685b8, 8069020, 80e8355,
> 0) + 14c
>   080516c2 main     (2, 8047168, 8047174) + 50c
>   08050daa ???????? (2, 80472cc, 80472d4, 0, 80472d5, 8047301)
>  -----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------[/i]
> But other is OK.
> I don't know why ? is it a bug of solaris 10 or forte??
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