> On Thu 11/15/07 at 23:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> The educational price is $1300-$1400 and the student
> price is $140.  It
> appears that the student edition isn't available for
> Solaris on either
> SPARC or x86, making BrandZ (*) the only option for
> the OpenSolaris user.
> Nils

If someone wanted it, then it would probaby be worth asking Wolfram Reserach if 
they would licence a student version on x86 or SPARC. 

My uni had a site license (any number of users, any platform). The license 
allowed free use at home by staff for reseach/teaching. When I asked for a 
SPARC license, that was originally declined with the comment "A Sun is not 
considered a home computer". After I pointed out that Suns were affordable as 
home computers, and that many people run them, I was given a SPARC license. It 
was made clear it was a one-off/geusture of good-will/special ... or some 
similar expression, but the fact it I got the license for use on SPARC. 

I have it on good authority, from someone at Wolfram Research (UK), that all 
new and recetnly renewed Mathematica licenses allow free use at home by 
students - not just staff. IMHO, that is a real bonus. I don't know the 
details, and once again I suspect it is officially only Mac/Windows/Linux, but 
I would always ask.
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