Martin Bochnig wrote:
>> Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>>> Martin Bochnig wrote:
>>>>> Martin Bochnig wrote:
>>>>>> The funniest thing: I'm still only a plain
>>>>> contributor in the xwin-community, so is Moinak
>>>>> Ghosh!!!
>>>>> Have you emailed the X Window System Community and
>>>>> asked for core contributor status?  I'm sure you are more than
>>>>> qualified.
>>>> We had done this. We (Moinak and I) had been told it would "depend 
>>>> on our future behaviour, and then they would decide". Message must 
>>>> be in the xwin archives somewhere, back last July or August.
>>> I don't remember you asking. 
>> Ah, yes: I recall that you have a selective memory: 
>> "MB>  #0) I told you many things you did not remember. Why do you 
>> exactly remember this single of all my statements? Because it is the 
>> most convenient to think of??? Why don't you
>> MB>         remember, for example, that I had told you immediately 
>> afterwards (back then), that it had been a statement motivated by 
>> desperate dark sarcasm??
>> AC: I don't know - the human memory is strange.   Perhaps it stuck out"
>> AC:  because it was such a unusual thing to say.
>>> When I proposed the FOX project
>> You have proposed it?
>> I had long before, only not under the name "FOX".
>> See xwin archives beginning in April 2006.
>> URL's on demand!
>>> I decided to start the process by making you Contributors:
>>>     ...the Community at this time grants Contributor status
>>>     to Martin & Moinak, with the intention to review for Core 
>>> Contributor
>>>     status once the project is underway.
>>> Given that Moinak has only putback one line of change to the shared
>>> Mercurial repository, and you none, I haven't seen any reason to
>>> nominate you for Core Contributor status based on that work.
>> "based on that work" ???
>> Yes, true. We didn't push our code into the mercurial gate, but rather 
>> released stuff on external file servers, for several reasons that 
>> don't matter here.
>> But didn't we release the full complete diffs and tarballs???
>> e.g. here:
>> Announcement: 20071012fri: 
>> and of course in April:
>> Observe and take into account that it is called "FOX", CC'ed to 
>> indiana-discuss, full of complete Sun license headers, and that the 
>> pkgdefs for the binary packages have use the "SUNW" prefix, not BLNX, 
>> MRTX or whatever.
>> Bundled with complete and detailed instructions?
>> You could easily have taken the code and pushed it in by yourself.
>> It was synced back then.
>> And I practically had bombarded the xwin-discuss list with all my 
>> status info and findings (especially in April, May and then late 
>> summer of this year), eg. here:
>> Or when I worked on testing the water in terms of a Xsun ddx wrapper 
>> module 10 nights and days long:
>> If you don't have the Alzheimer's desease you cannot have forgotten my 
>> full-time involvement. It is also unlikely your partner/boss Mr. "S. 
>> [anonymoous]" would have gently picked me up from SFO Intl. airport to 
>> drive me to Menlo Park and introduce me to the whole rest of the X 
>> server group if I hadn't done something that looks important enough to 
>> you:
>> Seeing you now writing lied half-truths like above ("based on that 
>> work") brings me to the point where I will take rotten eggs and fish. 
>> And I will friendly great you and then let's shake hands.
>>> That shouldn't stop anyone else, including yourself, who thinks either
>>> you or Moinak deserve Core Contributor status for that or other work, 
>>> from requesting that of the community.
>> How do you define this? Haven't enough mails been written?
>> No, thanks. Keep it.
>> I wish you what you deserve, more than wishing me, what I do.
>> A long-term community member and good friend had once warned me about 
>> you, and back then I didn't believe him. I thought you were my friend.
>> Now, unfortunately, I have to.
>> p.s. You would make a gifted lawyer. Turning black ink into red 
>> numbers, a square with white mice in it into a blue singing circle.
>> -- 
>> Martin Bochnig
> Stephen Lau wrote:
>> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>>> Stephen Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I'm a Core Contributor, and it has nothing to do with my paid job.  
>>>> For     
>>> A few weeks ago, it was your job.
>>> Jörg
>> Sure - but what's your point?  My point is that I'm still involved in 
>> communities, and I'd like to think I'm still participating at or 
>> beyond the level necessary to be a core contributor -- despite not 
>> having been "paid" to do so for 6 weeks.
>> Nobody should ever expect to get reimbursed or compensated for working 
>> in an open source community.
>> cheers,
>> steve
> Mr. Lau,
> preaching water, drinking wine, like the pope?!!
> Sun would save quite a lot of money, if all those working inside 
> "communities" on "open" src projects would work for free from now on. 
> And do you believe the real Xorg developers work for free? (I mean the 
> real ones, at
> Or OpenOffice or Mozilla, or Apache or Linux kernel or whatever 
> developers: All get paid for their work. The substring "open" in OSS 
> stands for "no restrictive licensing, freely redistributable" and such. 
> It does not necessarily stand for "developed by unpaid poor unemployed 
> individuals with an average life expectancy of 30 to 35".
> Also, if you are so serious about what you have said, why don't you pay 
> back last two year's gross-income? Or donate it to whatever NG organization?
> Then, from this Monday on, everybody working on OSS (including the 
> OpenSolaris kernel!!) will work FOR FREE: No money, no core-titles, just 
> for fun, no reward! Without ever expecting somebody to sponsor him or to 
> say "Thank you, Sir!"
> Let us start withe those who should in theory be leading us by good 
> example, with the leaders:  Such as Simon Phipps or Ian Murdock.
> ha ha  ha
> And p.s. Could somebody tell website-discuss to finally check their 
> bounces filter.
> Then to delete the bochnig account? Thanks.
> Some (not all, but "certain") of you Sun (or ex-Sun) guys are 
> brainwashed hair-splitting professionals.
> Sorry, you don't want to hear this. But it is the truth. I wonder why 
> you don't realize it yourself or get tired of fooling anybody who tries 
> to complain about the lack of a funding policy.
> And finally: Yes, Moinak does deserve more core titles, than a single 
> one. Because he has done an amazing amount of magic to OpenSolaris, 
> BeleniX and Indiana. Not just posted propaganda in response to justified 
> criticism (and then called that work).
> Adios Amigos
> --
> Martin Bochnig


I have to leave this system.
In order to protect myself from "self-"exploitation.
And, please: If nobody had ever spoken out the truth, then we would 
still live the Middle Ages. Or in the apartheit era, etc.

--->>   This system is not self-hosting.   <<---

Not sane. And it has taken me very long to finally realize that.
And they have had enough time and chances to think about and to grow out 
of it. Just as I had to. But claiming that I am always wrong, they never 
are: That's simply very unlikely to be true.

This is my last and final message sent through the opensolaris mills,

Take care,
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