
does someone know how to create a bootable
install image (aka .iso file)? I have managed
to tweak an image for zfs boot. But the whole
content resides in a directory now and I donĀ“t
have a clou how to get a bootable install image
from it.

The steps I did were:

1. I took the downloaded installation 
   image sol-nv-b77-x86-dvd.iso and

2. mounted it 
           # mkdir /mnt77
           # lofiadm -a /path/sol-nv-b77-x86-dvd.iso
           # mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt77

3. Then I called ./setup_install_server
           # mkdir /zfsboot
           # cd /mnt77/Solaris_11/Tools
           # ./setup_install_server /zfsboot

4. Then I called ./patch_image_for_zfsboot from the
   kit from Lori Alt/Dave Miner which can be downloaded at
           # mkdir /zfsbootkit
           # cd /zfsbootkit
           # bunzip2 -c zfsboot-kit-20060418.i386.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
           # ./patch_image_for_zfsboot /zfsboot

5. Now I played around with mkisofs
           # mkisofs --joliet-long /zfsboot > zfsboot.iso

But I might be missing the obvious. It would be glad
if someone could tell me how to get an installable
image out of /zfsboot.

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