> Hi I need some assistance in the following: -
> I am trying to strip the current solaris build off
> the drivers which may not be really essential. I
> would like to not make the audio drivers, crypto
> drivers, 1394, the dtrace binaries etc. a part of the
> final tar ball.

`pkgrm` is your friend.

However, considering Solaris drivers are only a few additional MB, you should 
not do it. Any drivers you remove means less HW that the final OS will run on.

Also, why are you making a "tarball"? Solaris has the technology to make 
compressed Flash(TM) images built directly into the OS. I suggest you make use 
of it. It's phenomenal technology, and exactly perfect for the task at hand.
> If any one can add on to this list please (maybe
> remove solaris LVM from the build??) do so and the
> main reason I am doing this is because I want to have
> a very lightweight kernel which I can use for a
> diskless client.

Diskless clients boot and run from a remote OS server, over NFS, and therefore 
one can afford to have a full Solaris distribution running on the central NFS 
server, serving Diskless and AutoClients.

Unless the target hardware is somehow limited in RAM, there is no point to 
"slimming Solaris down" for the diskless client.
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