Here's how we do it.  We use Gnome and not CDE, don't know if CDE is different.

1) Enable the gnome display manager: 

# svcadm enable svc:/application/graphical-login/gdm:default

[If your a GUI person, you can also start "Administration->Services" and in the 
"Services settings" dialog enable the "GNOME Display Manager" check box".  
Note: starting gdm always seems to crash gnome on many of the recent nv builds 
- I just reboot and usally everthing comes back OK with gdm started.]

2) Once gdm is running you can start the gdmsetup: 

# gdmsetup

[If your a GUI person, sometimes the act of starting gdm will place a 
"Administration->Login Window" icon in the start menu]

3) In the "Login Window Perferences" dialog of gdmsetup select the "Remote" 
tab.  Select "Style" pulldown to be "Same as local".  You can also change XDMCP 
settings to your liking in "Configure XDMCP..."  I also use the defaults.

Now you should be able to remotely log into you OpenSolaris box using XDMCP of 
your favorite X term server.

If you want to login in remotely as root, there is more work to do, but we 
never login as root ;)

Good luck...
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