On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Vamsee Priya wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to port a kernel module (which acts as a layer between VFS
> and UFS) from Solaris sparc platform to Solaris x86 platform.

Interesting - which module/product is that ?

> I am facing many kernel panics happening at different places.

Not surprised. "Filesystem filter drivers" in Solaris are not supported. 
Rather, there is no framework to create such drivers, and hence writing 
one necessarily gets you into "hairy areas", where you have to use on 
undocumented interfaces, and encounter breakage as kernel changes happen.

> Some times things work fine without panics. This confirms me that there
> is no problem with the code.

Can you describe a bit in more detail what the driver does ? Is it 
opensource, and/or are you planning to turn this driver into an 
OpenSolaris project ?

> Can anyone suggest me as to what aspect should I look into to avoid
> these panics.

Well, please first be more specific as to how these panics look like. Even 
better would be if you could share the module, its sourcecode and 
instructions how to set it up / use it so that we can reproduce and help.


> Thanks in advance.
> Priya

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