On 12 Dec 2007, at 18:47, Mark Drummond wrote:

> I am trying to install SXDE 9/07 in a vmware 6.x vm. After stepping  
> through the installation GUI, when I click the last button to begin  
> the install, the GUI comes back immediately with an "installation  
> failed" error message, *but* the installer is actually still  
> running in teh background. My disk and the dvd drive are still  
> spinning and you can see installf in the ps output.
> Anyone else seeing this?

I've seen a similar result when my root partition wasn't big enough  
to support the upgrade I was attempting, but I don't recall if the  
installer was actually still running in that case.

Only way I found out the real cause of the error in my case was to  
run the old installer instead, so you might try that.


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
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