On Jan 28, 2008 8:50 PM, Martti Hamunen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erast how can I go on...
> 1. X-works, but there are messages:...no /root/.xsession
>    no/root/.Xsession...
>    no window manager
>    where can I download: xdm, gdm, kdm...
er.., I think you have to on your own.

> 2. Building/Porting packages for Nexenta.
>     /etc/apt/sources.list
>     deb-src http://archive.ubuntu...
>     Done, but then
> 3. (=2 in the direction) Create GPG Keys
>     How? I have only "Command line" no graphic.

Creating GPG keys is not dependent of GUI.
Take a look at here:

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