On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:54 AM, Joerg Schilling
> Dave Miner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > >> The old shell is now:
>  > >> /usr/has/bin/sh
>  > >
>  > > Well, then Sun seems to start an incompatible fork from OpenSolaris.
> > >
>  >
>  > Sigh.  We have made no statements about compatibility with anything,
>  > either past or future, in the preview releases.  It's an experiment.
>  Sun did make statements about long term compatibility and many Solaris users
>  did stay with Solaris _because_ of these statements.

Those statements only apply to production releases of Solaris; not to
active development by anyone.

In addition, Sun's statements are not without qualification.

If you read through Sun's compatibility promises, there are certain
provisions that do allow them to break compatibility under certain
circumstances and their guarantees only apply to specific things.

>  > The negativity some of you have towards experiments just amazes me
>  > sometimes.
>  You may like to call it "negativity" from the view you have on the problem.

I call it negativity because your claims are not yet justified.

Until all of the changes made in Indiana become part of a production
release of Solaris or are integrated into the mainline Solaris tree,
it is premature at best to make the claims you have.

Guarantees and compatibility can't apply to active development; only
to a finished product.

>  You however cannot test a /sbin/sh /bin/ksh93 change inside Solaris only.

I'm not aware of any "rules" that say you can't.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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