>On Feb 18, 2008 5:24 AM, Richard Zhao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For linux kernel 2.6, modules are version depended. one to one.
>> What about solaris?
>Solaris has outstanding backward compatibility. If you adhere to
>published API when developing your kernel module, you will
>be able to run your module on revision you compiled it and up.
>The oldest kernel module I created was developed on Solaris 2.4
>AFAIK, it (same binary) is still running at a couple of places.

The list of known incompatibilities is small and the way we try
to minimize disruption as much as possible.  From memory, the list
of disruption is more or less as follows:

        - Removal of MT Unsafe driver support in Solaris 2.6
        - Introduction of 64 bit SPARC support (Solaris 7)
        - Introduction of 64 bit amd64 support (Solaris 10)

In other cases, changes to interfaces have typically caused new
interfaces to be defined.


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