First I'd like to say, that I searched high and low in my inbox for the 
original message Mario is replying to. I'm not even sure who wrote it. 
I'd much rather have replie dto it directly.

Mario Goebbels wrote:
>> It's true, OpenSolaris (Indiana) will replace Solaris Express Developer 
>> Edition after SXDE 1/08.
I think (and it's just my interpretation) that this really means 'SXDE'. 
Meaning Sun plans to keep making SXCE (Sun does most of the work for 
that internally anyway,) and that instead of putting a few of those 
builds a year through extra QA to be 'stamped' as good for developers to 
use, they'll be directing the developers to use Indiana instead.

Not all bad in my opinion since we'll still have access to SXCE (I 
assume,) and I agree that it doesn't make sense to polish 2 
distributions for distribution to developers, which I beleive I 
understand correctly as the goal - attacting more and more developers.

>> Indiana is not an experiment--it is the preview of Solaris Next now.
Well. I'm not sure how you can know that Solaris Next will look anything 
like Indiana, since so much of Indiana has yet to go through ARC review, 
and could change. Not to mention that so much of 'Solaris' is just 
missing from Indiana.

It seems to me that NV (aka SXCE) is more representative of the next 
version of Sun Solaris.
(yes Sun Solaris, since NV/SXCE includes so much that isn't in OS, I 
don't know how it can be called OpenSolaris.)

I wonder how many of the newly attracted developers who beleive the 
marketing that Indiana is the future are going to like re-working their 
code, and figuring out solutions to the changes ARC review will require 
to the things in Indiana.
>> Since it doesn't make sense to maintain two previews, we are phasing
>> out SXDE. 
> Not that I don't get the reason behind the decision, actually I feel
> positive towards it because we get things like ZFS root and Caiman
> quicker this way, but for being a community thing, there's quite a bunch of 
> things being decided in private.
I think there is quite a bit of good in IN, and NV. I don't know how 
much is happenning in private, but there is the appearance that there is 
some, and that it's not possible to tell how much, and when you have 
appearances like that, reality doesn't matter much. and I worry about 
that wuite a bit when it comes to building a community.
>> Such an attitude towards those working in the area of marketing is
>> disheartening, and to me, against our core community values.
I think I (at least) expect Marketing to under stand the importance of 
public image, and following through on promises made. I find it hard to 
beleive (unless you know something I don't) that you're wililng to 
promise that Indiana is (exactly) the future when it seems it is really 
a playground or concept car where new ideas are being tried and field 

I certainly wouldn't expect the auto industry to market a concept car to 
aftermarket part developers as the the next model of their vehicle. Only 
to upset them and make them feel misled when only features from the 
concept appear in the real next version of their vehicles and then not 
exactly the same either. Forcing developers of add-ons to your product 
to rework their designs after the y followed and relied on your promises 
doesn't exactly strike me as a good way to build a critical mass of 


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