
The problem is that none of the ACEs in the parent directory
are inheritable. As I mentioned before, when you create a file
or folder from Windows, you'll get Windows inheritance rules not
Solaris/POSIX rules. In Windows, if a directory's ACL doesn't have any
inheritable ACEs when a file/folder is created in it, that new object's
ACL will have two ACEs (as you can see for nsswitch.conf file): one
for the owner of the object and one for a Windows account called SYSTEM.

If you want the directory's ACL to have true full-control for every
which is also inheritable then you should do this:

chmod A=everyone@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd:allow <directory>

the :fd: part means the ACE would be inheritable by both new files and


Jerry Backlin wrote:
> Afshin,
> Sorry I been on vacation a few days....
> Below I hope you have the info you need. I'm very interested to see what 
> I been missing.
> TIA,
> Jerry
> #ls -l
> ----------+  1 backlin  staff       1109 Jan 31 11:09 nsswitch.conf
> drwxrwxrwx+  2 backlin  staff          3 Jan  1 11:09 Solaris 10
> ----------+  1 backlin  staff    3937402880 Jan 29 18:06 solarisdvd.iso
> drwxrwxrwx+  4 backlin  staff          5 Dec 15 18:37 StarOffice
> # ls -vd
> drwxrwxrwx+ 11 backlin  staff         15 Feb 13 08:04 .
>     0:user:backlin::deny
>     1:user:backlin:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr/execute
>         /delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete/read_acl
>         /write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     2:group:2147483648::deny
>     3:group:2147483648:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr/execute
>         /delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete/read_acl
>         /write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     4:owner@::deny
>     5:owner@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data/add_subdirectory
>         /append_data/write_xattr/execute/write_attributes/write_acl
>         /write_owner:allow
>     6:group@::deny
>     7:group@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data/add_subdirectory
>         /append_data/execute:allow
>     8:everyone@:write_xattr/write_attributes/write_acl/write_owner:deny
>     9:everyone@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/execute/read_attributes
>         /read_acl/synchronize:allow
> #
> # ls -v
> ----------+  1 backlin  staff       1109 Jan 31 11:09 nsswitch.conf
>     0:user:backlin:read_data/write_data/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr
>         /execute/delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete
>         /read_acl/write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     1:group:2147483648:read_data/write_data/append_data/read_xattr
>         /write_xattr/execute/delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes
>         /delete/read_acl/write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
> drwxrwxrwx+  2 backlin  staff          3 Jan  1 11:09 Solaris 10
>     0:user:backlin::deny
>     1:user:backlin:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr/execute
>         /delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete/read_acl
>         /write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     2:group:2147483648::deny
>     3:group:2147483648:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr/execute
>         /delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete/read_acl
>         /write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     4:owner@::deny
>     5:owner@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data/add_subdirectory
>         /append_data/write_xattr/execute/write_attributes/write_acl
>         /write_owner:allow
>     6:group@::deny
>     7:group@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data/add_subdirectory
>         /append_data/execute:allow
>     8:everyone@:write_xattr/write_attributes/write_acl/write_owner:deny
>     9:everyone@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/execute/read_attributes
>         /read_acl/synchronize:allow
> ----------+  1 backlin  staff    3937402880 Jan 29 18:06 solarisdvd.iso
>     0:user:backlin:read_data/write_data/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr
>         /execute/delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete
>         /read_acl/write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     1:group:2147483648:read_data/write_data/append_data/read_xattr
>         /write_xattr/execute/delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes
>         /delete/read_acl/write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
> drwxrwxrwx+  4 backlin  staff          5 Dec 15 18:37 StarOffice
>     0:user:backlin::deny
>     1:user:backlin:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr/execute
>         /delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete/read_acl
>         /write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     2:group:2147483648::deny
>     3:group:2147483648:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/write_xattr/execute
>         /delete_child/read_attributes/write_attributes/delete/read_acl
>         /write_acl/write_owner/synchronize:allow
>     4:owner@::deny
>     5:owner@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data/add_subdirectory
>         /append_data/write_xattr/execute/write_attributes/write_acl
>         /write_owner:allow
>     6:group@::deny
>     7:group@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data/add_subdirectory
>         /append_data/execute:allow
>     8:everyone@:write_xattr/write_attributes/write_acl/write_owner:deny
>     9:everyone@:list_directory/read_data/add_file/write_data
>         /add_subdirectory/append_data/read_xattr/execute/read_attributes
>         /read_acl/synchronize:allow
> #
> Afshin Salek wrote:
>> Hi Jerry,
>> If I have the actual ACL on the parent directory and the file
>> created from Windows, I can better answer your questions. You
>> can view the directory's ACL with "ls -vd" and file's ACL with
>> "ls -v"
>> As a general note, Windows inheritance rules are different from
>> ZFS and/or POSIX rules. When you create a file from Windows you
>> get the Windows rules not the latter (and it's not optional :) )
>> Thanks,
>> Afshin
>> Janice Chang wrote:
>>> Hi Jerry.  Thank you for the information.  I'm cc'ing 
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED], where most of the CIFS folk hang out.
>>> Janice
>>> Jerry Backlin wrote:
>>>> Janice,
>>>> Below you have 2 files where the first one is written from a windows 
>>>> system. It seems to pick up the right owner but the file protection 
>>>> is set up to disallow users on the solaris system to access the 
>>>> file. This means that if I want
>>>> to access the file when logged in on Solaris I need to change the 
>>>> protection. The parent directory have the protection set up to allow 
>>>> everybody full access and I work in workgroup mode.
>>>> ----------+  1 backlin  staff       1109    Jan 31 11:09 nsswitch.conf
>>>> drwxrwxrwx+  2 backlin  staff          3    Jan  1 11:09 Solaris 10
>>>> I assume there must be a way to set up zfs to allow files to be 
>>>> accessed by the same user on the solaris system and also manage who 
>>>> has access to a file created from a networked windows system.
>>>> In addition I can't create folders from a windows system, I get 
>>>> access denied. Is there something I have missed when setting up the 
>>>> system?
>>>> TIA,
>>>> Jerry
>>>> Janice Chang wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jerry. Thank you for your inquiry.
>>>>> Would appreciate some examples showing the permissions set from 
>>>>> Windows and what is seen vs. what is expected on the Solaris server.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Janice
>>>>> Jerry Backlin wrote:
>>>>>> I'm using sharesmb (b82) in my home office server with XP & W2K 
>>>>>> clients. Upgrades have caused some hickups and the smbpasswd file 
>>>>>> had been reset for me but that is addressed now.
>>>>>> I can not get my hands around how file protection should be set 
>>>>>> up. currently a file written into the zfs share does not inherit 
>>>>>> the protection parent filesystem, from solaris you have no access.
>>>>>> I assume this has not been addressed yet
>>>>>> Jerry
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