On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Joerg Schilling
> "Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Joerg Schilling
> > >  This is why the OpenSolaris cummunity proposed Sun to use a new 
> > > trademark for
>  > >  an OpenSolaris based distro.
>  >
>  > *watches point fly by responder*
>  >
>  > Let's try this again.
>  >
>  > Canonical controls the Ubuntu trademark *and the community* that
>  > surrounds their distribution.
>  >
>  > RedHat controls the Fedora trademark *and the community* that
>  > surrounds their distribution.
>  If you did really understand the problem, why do you still tell people that 
> you
>  disagree?
>  Ubuntu et al are all creating distros from a project called "Linux",
>  we and Sun are all creating distros from a project called "OpenSolaris".
>  If Sun follows the example of Ubuntu and other Linux distros, we had no 
> problem.
>  Let Sun just create their trademark from their OpenSolaris distro, but don't
>  let them call it "OpenSolaris" as no Linux distro is called "Linux".

Sun can't follow their example for two reasons:

* Sun produces Solaris and that becomes OpenSolaris

* Sun owns the trademark to Solaris and OpenSolaris, Ubuntu does not
own the trademark to Linux

That makes the situation *very* different.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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