Hello all,

Has anybody else had problems connecting to mysql from php using the
unmodified web stack that comes with SXDE 1/08?

If you are using the mysql 5 service (the default mysql SMF service)
you have to use the /usr/mysql/5.0/bin/mysql binary to connect to it.
If you try to use the /usr/sfw/bin/mysql binary you get the following
error: "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by

That's all well and fine but the problem is that the pre-compiled php
module for the apache22 service is somehow using an older connection
client and returns the same error when trying to connect to the local
mysql. Here's my test:


And here's what is returned to the browser:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Client does not
support authentication protocol requested by server; consider
upgrading MySQL client in /var/apache2/2.2/htdocs/mysqltest.php on
line 3

Am I missing something?
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