On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 4:14 AM, Mario Goebbels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I would like to create accounts that have usernames longer than 8
>  >>  characters like 32. I believe linux supports longer usernames. How does
>  >>  one configure opensolaris? "getconf LOGIN_NAME_MAX" seems to say the
>  >>  limit is 8 characters. Also, opensolaris.org keeps user login names to 8
>  >>  characters.
>  >
>  > You can't do this currently.
>  Just wondering what this is about:
>  9
>  Not exactly dazzling, but still more than eight. How can that be?

8 characters + terminating null charcter.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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