I was helped in this forum to correctly setup my ethernet card, but now I have 
problems with the connection script.

I am trying to configure a PPPoE connection, but there are several things I 
don't know in the configuration of the file:

In the pppoe.if I put:

rge0 // the name of my interface, which is already plumbed.

In the file located in /ect/ppp/peers/myserver, I would like you to tell me 
what to put:

-sppptun //I guess that this is for plumbing.
-plugin pppoe.so //just a library needed i guess.
-connect "/ust/lib/inet/pppoec rge0" //not the slightest idea.
-noccp //don't remeber actually, but I retained that it was ok
-noauth //yeah, I don't need my ISP to auth.
-user //I guess that here I should put client name given by the ISP, in windows 
it is [EMAIL PROTECTED], should I put this one?
-password //the password given to me by the isp right?
-noipdefault //no idea
-defaultrout // again, no idea.

Now in the /etc/ppp/options I think these options are right:


I grabbed the template options.ttyname and rename it options.sppptun, I have no 
idea of the baud rate.

I run the command touch /etc/ppp/options
No output from that so I guess it was fine.

Finally, i run the command pppd debug updetach call myIsp //the same name that 
the file in /etc/ppp/peers/myIsp

I know that my ISP uses PAP for authentication, but I don't know if I must 
modify the pap files, and what should I put. My computer is supposed to detect 
the IP of my ISP right?.

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